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SAP IAM: Innovative Strategies for Identity and Access Management



In 2024, Identity and Access Management (IAM) Reference Architectures continue to be a fundamental pillar for security in SAP applications. With the release of the latest version on the SAP Discovery Center, organizations have access to a robust framework for managing authentication, authorization, and the identity lifecycle.


Important Updates

The update of IAM reference architectures brings significant advancements, highlighting:

  1.  Publication in the SAP Discovery Center:
  • The latest version of the IAM Reference Architectures has been published in the SAP Discovery Center, providing access to additional links for documentation and related missions.
  1. SAP Secure Operations Map:
  • The updated map allows for the verification of security requirements and alignment with regional demands, such as NIST or BSI. This helps companies adopt consistent security practices in their operations
  1. Future Integration:
  • SAP is planning an integrated architecture that will consider SAP Access Control. Although this development will take more time, it promises to further improve IAM security and efficiency.


IAM Pillars

The three main pillars of IAM are detailed, each with its strategic importance:

  • Authentication Flows: Essential to ensure users authenticate securely and efficiently.


![Diagrama do SAP Cloud Identity Services mostrando a integração com provedores de identidade de terceiros, soluções SAP Cloud, soluções SAP On-Premise e serviços de login seguro SAP GUI](path/to/Imagem12.png)

Figure 1: Authentication Flows.

  • Authorization as Part of the Identity Lifecycle: Managing access permissions based on the identity context.


![Diagrama do SAP Cloud Identity Services destacando Identity Provisioning, Identity Directory, Authorization Management, grupos e políticas, integração com soluções SAP Cloud e SAP On-Premise](path/to/Imagem13.png)

Figure 2: Authorization as Part of the Identity Lifecycle.



  • Identity Lifecycle Flows: Addressing the creation, modification, and deactivation of identities.


![Diagrama do SAP Cloud Identity Services destacando Identity Provisioning, Identity Directory, Authorization Management, grupos e políticas, integração com soluções SAP Cloud e SAP On-Premise](path/to/Imagem13.png)

Figure 3: Identity Lifecycle Flows.

Trends and Challenges

  • Identity-First Approach: Organizations are adopting an identity-centric approach, prioritizing security and user experience.
  • Growth of the Global IAM Market: The IAM market continues to grow, with forecasts indicating it will reach $24.1 billion by 2026.



The 2024 IAM Reference Architectures provide valuable guidelines for companies seeking to strengthen their security and manage access effectively. Adopting robust IAM practices is essential to protect digital assets and maintain user trust.



SAP Discovery Center: https://discovery-center.cloud.sap/

Gartner: IAM Initiative 2024: https://www.gartner.com/en/information-technology/glossary/identity-and-access-management-iam-initiative

MarketsandMarkets IAM Market Report: https://www.marketsandmarkets.com/Market-Reports/identity-access-management-iam-market-1168.html

SAP Community: https://community.sap.com/t5/technology-blogs-by-sap/identity-access-management-iam-reference-architectures-2024/ba-p/13697891

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